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The Organizing Committee, thanks to AIC, IUCr and ECA, provides a limited number of bursaries for young scientists to attend ECM34. The bursaries will cover, partially or completely, the subsistence expenses and/or registration fee.


Prerequisites and required documents

  1. Maximum age of 35 as of January 1, 2024

  2. Curriculum Vitae containing name, work address and contact details, date of birth, citizenship, education background, employment history, current position, and a list of the applicant’s publications.

  3. A Letter of Recommendation from the applicant’s Supervisor or Head of the Department/Group. The letter should confirm the status of the applicant (PhD student, graduate student, post-doc).


It is also mandatory to submit an abstract to the ECM34 as the presenting author. Incomplete applications will not be considered.


IUCr bursaries: only for travel expenses

AIC bursaries: registration fee/travel expenses

Please note that bursaries will be awarded after the conclusion of ECM34. Therefore, you must pay the registration fee to participate in the conference and be eligible for the bursary.

Keep an eye on this webpage for further infromation.


How to apply

Applications for AIC (only AIC members) and IUCr bursaries: the applicant will receive a notification of the receipt of the application.

For applications to financial support from ECA please refer to:


Deadline for application CLOSED!

The deadline for the bursary application is on April 20, 2024. Please note that only applications containing all the required documentation will be considered for bursary. The Bursary committee will send you by email the decision on your application by April 30, 2024.

You will be required to accept or decline provided bursary support by no later than May 8, 2024, and to finalize your registration until May 30, 2024.


The German Crystallographic Society (DGK) issues travel grants for young scientists with student status participating at the 34th European Crystallographic Meeting (ECM 34) in Padova, Italy, taking place from 26th to 30th of August 2024. Up to 5 grants of € 400 each will be given to graduate or postgraduate students of a field related to crystallography.


Please send your application (electronic form, German or English) not later than the 1st May 2024 to the chair of the DGK, PD Dr. Ute Kolb  (E-Mail: or


Your application should include:

  1. a cover letter with motivation (one page maximum)

  2. a short curriculum vitae (CV)

  3. a proof of student status

  4. a supporting statement (letter) of a professor or a senior scientist at a university or a public research institution


Grants will be issued subject to the quality of application, an acceptance of the conference contribution, and the available funds, but a membership in the DGK is not a requirement.


Applicants will be informed, whether or not they have been granted a stipendium until 26th of May 2024. Payout of the stipendium occurs only under the condition that the recipient actually participates in the ECM 34 conference on-site. It is expected that the grantees submit a report for publication in the organs of the DGK.

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